Find Fulfillment (6 months)
$3,425.00 USD
“Happiness is the joy we feel after striving for our potential.” -Aristotle
Giving ourselves permission to focus on personal development does not come naturally. It requires intention, goal-setting and accountability. Through the Find Fulfillment Program, you will uncover these tools to discover greater satisfaction and joy in your personal, family, and professional life.
More often than not, a list of things we “should be” doing drives our daily schedules and, subsequently, creates unnecessary anxiety. “I should be working harder to exceed my revenue goals.” “I should be signing my kid up for xyz activity.” “I should be exercising everyday.” The list goes on and on and on. Unfortunately, we rarely reflect to see if our “should be” activities ultimately help make our lives better. It’s no wonder that everything feels like such a grind and that it takes so much longer to get things done. Effective planning requires intention. Without intention, activities-driven planning will take you significantly longer to get you to where you want to be.
What if you designed your life intentionally so that your to-do list was in line with your life’s Meaning and Purpose? In this signature program, we will create a roadmap for your life that brings greater fulfillment-- a meaningful career, quality family time, and purposeful self-care.
During the first 8-10 weeks of the Find Fulfillment Program, you will meet for six 1.5-hour virtual 1:1 sessions with BB Ties Lead Trainer & Coach, Brandi Mason. This is followed by three months of Accountability Coaching with Brandi which includes personalized weekly assessment forms and 45-minute semi-monthly coaching sessions. You will receive a digital Fulfillment Toolbox with your top Core Values, Character Strengths, Purpose, and Fulfillment Framework. The Fulfillment Framework consists of clearly defined Focus Points for your work, family, and self-care with a corresponding strategic plan to make you successful in each. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to put this plan into practice for three months with the support of a Coach.
"I'm a self-improvement junkie and have been through my fair share of coaches but Brandi is without a doubt, by far the best. She has an uncanny ability to see into the heart of any issue and help you evaluate your next steps with confidence and clarity. Defining my personal values, mission and vision enables me to evaluate each new opportunity with those in mind, meaning I only say yes to those things that will move the needle towards where I want to get to. The cherry on top of this particular cake for me is the weekly accountability process. It's game-changing. It ensures I pick key goals for the week, and makes me evaluate whether I achieved them afterwards. I'm always surprised by how many I get done! I do not suffer fools gladly. I like someone who can get it done quickly, efficiently and really well. Brandi does exactly this." ~Verity, Co-founder of Nude Foods Market (Boulder, Colorado)
"This program is a game-changer...Taking the time to slow down, go inward, and have Brandi coach me through this process was enjoyable and transformative. In addition, I will always have a structure to check in and make sure I am focused on a vision, goals, and activities that align with my values. I have gone through a lot of leadership coaching professionally and defined my values previously, but until this program, I had not brought the same rigor to my personal life and goals. I feel confident that the work Brandi and I did together is bringing me more fulfillment already, and that will only continue to grow as I anchor to my values holistically in all areas of my life. THANK YOU!" ~Kate, Senior Director of Sustainability at Vail Resorts (Boulder, Colorado)